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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Freedom of speech even if it’s dumb

Since we are having this whole discussion about freedom of speech and Twitter. I would like to tell you a story about the breaking points Facebook page and how I got kicked out for asking a question. It was Halloween, and I asked the group if I am white and paint my face black I am racist but if I am black and paint my face white it’s a Halloween costume. I was banned from your group for this. Am I wrong?

Enable Youtube Chapters (it's damn easy)

Please enable Youtube chapters on your full episodes. To get it working you simply need to "Make sure that the first timestamp you list starts with 00:00." After that the chapters will be generated automatically from the description timestamps.

Best JFK Conspiracy Book(s)

With the new JFK documents being released it has once again peaked my interest in the JFK assassination conspiracy and the entanglement of the CIA. What book or books do you recommend that outline this conspiracy best?

JFK and the CIA

Tucker just had a segment entitled We Were Shocked To Learn This where he seems to conclude the CIA were involved somehow in the JFK assassination. Was curious to hear your reactions to this 'conspiracy theory' being expressed on one of the most watched cable news shows.


How much of the support and funding for Ukraine from Congress is because of Zelensky not speaking up/covering for Trump on the famous phone call. Had he showed any negativity for the Bidens, or exposed any corruption on the Hunter/oil company board deal would he be getting any support from the Dems?