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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Is Breaking Points operating in an echo chamber on the War on Ukraine?

Hear me out - I get that everyone in main stream media is just endorsing endless aide without questions asked. So I appreciate you all calling this out as a concern. But because it feels like the whole crew is on the same side of 'we're sleep walking into WW3 and it could've been avoided', we're missing any long form debate that also provides a thoughtful, informed perspective of why continual aide, and this war in general, is necessary. I've found myself with a blind spot in conversations with folks who are directly involved in Russian/post soviet union foreign policy, hence my feeling that maybe there is 'there there' to discuss.

Rogan ‘24

Who else is writing in Joe Rogan in for the big ‘24? Job belongs to someone who don’t want it.

why not invite Dean Baker?

Dean Baker is not only smart and perceptive, he's funny, hardly a commonplace among economists. As the link below demonstrates, he'd be a welcome antidote to that idiot you've had on a couple of times who believes in the usual demographic nonsense and dismisses the Chinese belt and road initiative, as if the US railroad and Highway systems were built honestly and efficiently.

US boots on the ground in Ukraine?

Hi guys! LOVE your show, it's the only national news I watch! I was watching the most recent episode of Bill Maher, and he had a guest on that said he was fighting on the ground in Ukraine for the last 10 months! How is this allowed by the US govt., I'm confused!


Saager, you really have a thing for boomers (and older) but your comments on the age of Congress hit the mark. Many of us Boomers have millennial children and gen z grandkids that are getting a bad deal these days. The only way they will get a house is to inherit one from us. Mired in student debt, they still live with us or we supply support. Not fair to anyone. Many of us believe that younger people should be in power, it’s is their world to inherit. Until we can get better candidates, and a fair primary system it is impossible to get the Feinsteins out. Voting between old candidates is giving no one better options for the future. Being a boomer who wants young people ( our kids) to have the same opportunities we did is is very important to many of us. We are not all bad. FYI , I own a house but pay a house payment each month in out of pocket health care expenses so it’s not east street for many of us boomers. We may go thru the assets we accumulated before we check out. I worry about every generation. The issue we have is with elites and corporations. I don’t see this ending well for many in America. Keep up the good work, both of you.