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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Ukraine coming into focus?

The Israeli PM interview appears to offer an explanation of the brazen Ukrainian requests for everything, always. If Zelensky realized concessions for peace were the only reasonable option for his country’s survival wouldn’t his shift to total victory occur likely if he received some promises of “we got you. No matter what.” Why wouldn’t they shamelessly push if they were only still at war to keep the military industrial complex humming?

What is your suggestion for Pete Buttigieg to solve mass airline cancellations? Airlines have no incentive to adopt IATA's NDC (New Distribution Capability).

I've heard your complaints about Transportation Secretary Pete's role in airline mass cancellation, but I didn't hear you propose any solutions other than "fix it." Did you know there's been a new software platform called NDC (New Distribution Capability) that's been around since 2012? IATA developed it and made it freely available for any airline to adopt after other major system collapses in the past (and airlines' subsequent cries for modernization). However, after the solution was developed, most airlines have refused to fully implement it because the major benefits come from interoperability after the majority of airlines adopt it (yet another case of quarterly profits over long term system stability). Some airlines have adopted part of the standard, but Pete Buttigieg could totally mandate the full implementation (yet declines to do so). Could you familiarize yourselves on this matter to make an actual case for Pete to fix things?

What is Counterpoints?

Hi, I just joined yesterday but have been following this show along w/ what I hear from Joe Rogan's podcast for a little over a year now. However, what is the difference between Counterpoints from Breaking Points w/ Krystal & Saagar?

Request, not a question:

Long time listener, love you guys. California is trying to build "affordable" housing, but Unions are blocking the ability for compromise on labor costs, cause so many units to never begin. I understand you both are pro-union but please look at this with an open mind as you do everything else. Please read the non-profit Cal Matters article on the details of the issue. This just sounds like Union leadership greed.

Counter Points Music

Is AMAZING! Please do not nix the new music! It is fantastic!