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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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5 Years Later, Janus v. AFSCME

What are your thoughts on Janus v. AFSCME 5 years later? I'm a premium member of Breaking Points and always enjoy all the content. Sometimes I feel the union coverage is a bit one sided, rarely do you bring up cases where the union doesn't have their members best interests (and this happens plenty). There's a time and a place, however, there's also a lot of individuals leaving their unions due to poor representation and mishandling of funds. I think it's great individuals finally have the option on whether they want to join albeit often times ostracized for making the decision. Wish we could respect individuals' decisions on both sides of the aisle and not push it down everyone's throats.

RepresentUs Organization

What are your thoughts on the RepresentUs organization? I recently came across them and their idea of going to the city and state level to change the way elections are run and fight corruption seems promising. Do you think this will be a successful approach and have you heard anything about this organization before? I learned about them through this video Thanks!

Bassem Youssef interview

What do you think of Bassem Youssef's commentary and knowledge on the conflict in Gaza? I have been watching every interview and for me he is absolutely crushing this debate. Would you ever consider having him on? Would love to see him on a debate panel against someone like Ben Shapiro.

Kristi Noem & Cognitive Dissonance

I am sure Kristi Noem is as unfeeling as she seems, having taken out a 14-month old dog and a goat by her own hand. But I am somewhat surprised at all the hand-wringing from both sides of the aisle regarding her admission, given (likely) 99% of the folks pillorying her eat animals, and by doing so subject those food animals to worse lives AND deaths than that poor dog and goat. If all those folks were logically consistent or not cognitively dissonant, shouldn't they give up eating animals, and if not, grant that Noem simple treated animals as they do, i.e., as tools for their own benefit?

What's up with James Carville

I get a lot of fundraising emails from James Carville or people posing as James Carville, and without exception they are incredibly apocalyptic in tone and I unsubscribe. But I'd ask you to speculate, is this guy a boon to the party or just a drag? I can't imagine his requests actually inspiring people to action.