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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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SARS-Cov-2 Leak

Many people were once convinced that SARS-Cov-2 could not have leaked from the Wuhan lab. Evidence now suggests otherwise. That said, many remain convinced it's unlikely that the leak was not intentional. Why is that? An intentional leak seems plausible.

Dig deeper of the big subjects of today that MSM doesn't go into

- QAnon mostly written off as a a bunch of quacks, but why did it start? by who? remember the tea party? what where, origins? why so large a group? - BLM a cause or self service /taking advantage and warping original message? is the real cause poor police training and recruitment process as original message was against policy brutality against blacks. - Crime - what are the statistics and show demographics, how to really solve or reduce it - gun murders and shootings, full analysis of the second amendment and the right to bear arms, rights of lawful owners, the culture built into america itself, how to prevent the mass shootings. - Why is the country so divided? statistically speaking the vote for president is always swayed by a few percentage points. - Uighur genocide, is it really happening or it's just China's version of Guantanamo bay? - WHO and the UN in general, are they still relevant? - Is the stock market just a huge ponzi scheme? Why are indexes are generally going higher but people are becoming poorer. Which leads to rich/poor gap, division to classes of people. - Is the fiat to Crypto a ponzi scheme as well or is it the future of monetary exchange and beyond? - What's causing the global housing prices to be the highest it's been? - What is wokeness and why it's so prevalent now. Why is corporate adopting it. Why is social justice a pejorative term to most? how is it affecting today's culture. how does media and social media treat it? How does it compare to the hippies and kids back in the 60s/70s? - Why is the military US so huge? is it to sustain the military complex? is it protecting freedom or protecting interests? - End to End story about epstein don't report it if you don't have enough data, reputable witnesses etc i.e real reporting.

More of a commentary - I do need some solutions

Just watched "here's what's next with Kyle and Marshall", which then instantly made me subscribe to your new venture. Good Luck and I can't wait for your next productions. The integrity you bring to your news pieces was the best part of Rising, the nuance, the genuine give and take on perspectives. The way stories were broken down and disseminated really helped my lack of awareness/understanding. -Thank you. George Floyd's murder coincidence with my emerging from my grief of losing my father and like many, woke me up to the fact that not being racist is a form of privilege, being an ally is better. I so I wrote all our school's principals and got onto a committee in anticipation for re-opening/online learning. Most of my input was if you can't answer the why and who does this serve then that part of the curriculum needs to be let go. So my comment/request is this. I very much appreciate how you inform your audience on topics but I also need a view into the solution action part of the equation. It's all so overwhelming. Sara Hawreliak

Congrats. Just subscribed.

Me and my partner call you White woman Indian man. 'cause that's us as well. (I know you are just co-workers). Hope you don't find that offensive. Sagar, if it's not too personal, what happened to your finger? Best to you both.

How much will the loss of the, "The Hill" label affect the precieved legitimacy of the show by laymen?

I saw the KK&F and Realignment crossover, and you mentioned that The Rising had high, TV-level, production which meant that you can show it to your dad and he'll take it seriously. Precieved legitimacy is vital and for me it was the stand-out quality that made The Rising so successful. However, I think, even above great production, the most important contributing factor to achieving that quality was that it was on, "The Hill", which is a house-hold name. How much do you think the loss of that label will affect the precieved legitimacy of the show by laymen? Good luck with everything!