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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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What do your family's think and feel about this new world of independence that you guy are embarking on. Are they nervous about the risks as well?

Apple Laptops

Reason you guys prefer Apple over other products

media malpratice

Please email me at your convenience so that I can give you a detailed explanation. I watch your shows religiously and would be grateful if you covered this topic. Thanks, Bill

Amazon The Jolly Green Giant

what company will Amazon buy next since they purchased MGM?

Reiner Fuellmich

Have you looked into what Reiner Fuellmich is doing with almost another 1,000 lawyers and approx 10,000 scientist? If not, please please please!!!! Have your team look into it. I believe this will be an interesting topic to cover on your show for moths to come!!!! I really hope your team looks into Reiner Fullmich. He’s a real life true hero!!