Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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COVID-19 information suppression

I live in the small town of Elizabethton in upper East Tennessee, and I am constantly amazed by the intellectual inbreeding and inability to discern fact from fiction. I find myself chasing down misinformation constantly attempting to dispel and bunk silly off-the-wall claims posited by coworkers and friends, but I have been watching with curiosity the hearings and YouTube clips of Dr. Peter McCullough from Texas A&M‘s medical school at Baylor. Have you guys covered any of his information? If not I would love to get your take on his narrative. I love what you guys stand for and applaud your bravery in stepping out from under the corporate umbrella. I wish I could send you a check commensurate to my applause! Good luck, Godspeed, and Simper Fidélis, Ryan

Going Nuclear

While I agree that we need to do more to protect the planet, I don't believe the Paris Climate Agreement is the answer. Nor do I believe that wind and solar will be able to sustain all US households. Is nuclear the way to go and how can people educate themselves and politicians on clean, safe and sustainable alternatives to the current sources that we utilize?

Your Role In Populist Movements

What do you both see as your role in populist movements and how has that evolved since you began as the co-hosts of Rising?

Your Role in Social Change

What do you see as your role in populist movements and how has the evolved since you became co-hosts on Rising?

The Tax Code

Why does no one ever call for the simplification of the tax code? Tax evaders take advantage of the complexity of the tax code all the time. Wouldn't simplification Facilitate tax collection?