Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Truth or Consequences

I'm just outside your main demographic (43 yo), and although I watch a significant amount of content from YouTube, I have never before paid any money to a content creator; however, I have decided to join your channel as a member for the first time, not for the upgraded formatting or additional content, but to support a non-corporate reality. We live in a Truth desert, starved for credibility, desperately thirsting for ethos. This new "news" model might afford us precious sips of truth as an attempt to shake the autocratic control of corporate America. I hope my support helps you do that. My actual question: If you succeed and somehow grow your audience exponentially, like, say Joe Rogan, how can you assure us that you will maintain your focus on independence despite the rise of external pressures and influences that will surely swarm around you, smelling profit?

Boomer Survey

I would like to know how many "boomers" will be new "Breakers" (or whatever you will be calling your BP followers? ) I would like to you definitely have a more broad generational audience already then you may realize - and have always flinched at the term when has been has been used disparagingly as there are some of us enlightened ones around you know! ;) And thank you both! I was a dedicated Former Riser that has jumped off The Hill- and most of all- thank you for giving me hope that the world my grandchildren will inherit will be better than the one their own parents so far have had the misfortune to endure. Stay authentic and ass kicking!

What underrated but overly important topics will you cover now that you don't need clickbait?

To Saagar's point about covering the semiconductor market, what other topics are pressingly critical but not sexy enough to be talked about in the MSM will you cover on Breaking Points?

Charles Booker segment

What happened to the Charles Booker segment that was supposed to air on Rising May 27? I was hoping maybe it would have aired sometime over the Memorial Day weekend as a Rising Extra but it didn't. Would you have him as a guest on your new show to announce his candidacy for US Senate running against Rand Paul?


Will we ever see any of the old guest commentators that you guys used too have on the hill?