Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Debt jubilee!

Considering the amount of public debt in the United States that is weighing down the economy. should we go Old Testament on it and enact a good old fashion debt jubilee? Also please have Michael Hudson on your show

Plans for coverage gaps

What plans are in place (if any) for major breaking stories that hit outside of times when there’s an upcoming episode given that the show has moved to three days a week?

Tim Rattray

What’s your coverage plan for major events that may happen in gaps where there aren’t shows?

Decline in Local News & Polarization

There have been a number of studies out now that show how the decrease in local news has led to greater straight-ticket voting and national policy focus in local elections. Do you agree with this premise, and if so what do you two think can be done to promote more engagement with local news?


what is the most important story coming out right now that you really want to get out there. What's at the top of your radar?