Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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How wide spread is CRT in schools?

How widespread is CRT in schools actually? Is the media fixating on very few incidences, or are many teachers actually fixated on racial issues?

Ownership of mainstream media

Can we believe in freedom of the press, but also advocate for restricting the means of ownership of the press? Wouldn't it be better if any mass media was required to run as non-profits with funding from individual subscribers and public funding? I'm imagining a country where Bloomberg, Bezos, and Murdoch don't have massive influence.

What are your criticisms, if any, of Bill Maher and his more recent points of view?

In a recent episode the subject of Bill Maher came up, which prompted a few comments about his decline over the last few years. I initially attributed the disapproval as a response to his anti-woke sentiment, but I sense that you both are weary of the underlying tyrannical nature of things like cancel culture and compelled speech, which leaves me confused as to why you are at odds with his views. Can you explain in greater detail your criticisms of Bill Maher?

Who else knew of Dr. Fauci's noble lie?

Was there any official protocol for Dr. Fauci's noble lie, did he have to run it by a committee or even tell anyone for approval? Are there any individual reproductions or should there be reproductions to the person doing it? I've seen no actual information on if there was any oversite at all, members of his staff, etc. I'd like to think he had to get approval or at least report it to someone higher than him. An immense amount of power has been given to his position and I'd like to think there was more than a single person's gut feel on when it's ok to officially lie to protect the populace.

Platform Expansion

Are you willing to go on Roku, AndroidTv, AppleTV natively ?