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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Alexa News

Good afternoon, My wife and I usually listen to Alexa in the morning for a news briefing from cnn and fox and are pretty well over both of them. Any plans for a Breaking Points-Alexa news briefing? Thanks,

Could you disclose your conflicts of interest?

I would like you both to disclose your conflicts of interest. [I am not saying you have bad conflicts, it just seems like it would be good practice as a general rule]

Can you share a perspective on you writing habits?

Across monologues, segments, and the occasion book y'all must have some form of regular writing habit. How would each of you describe your process?

YouTube Alternative's?

Hi Krystal and Saagar, Big beliver in social programs, if I thought the government could administer them effectivly, with limited government spending in area's like military, foregin affairs, basically anything that doesn't help the American people the politicians are supposed to represent. My question is have you ever considered staying on YouTube but also posting your video content to other video streaming apps like Rumble? Then pushing the viewership to video streaming apps that don't censor or demonitize the important topics you cover. If you haven't what is the reasoning behind this? Thanks for all you do, Dan Sullivan

how to see video?

I recently got the premium subscription. I can't get any video stream of the show through spotify- just audio only. Is there a way to stream with video like on you tube? Love the show.