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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Booster Shots

Love your show. Thank you for all the great work you do. I was listening to your 11/30 show and your conversation about Booster shots and think you are "SPOT-ON" about the nefariousness of the direction we are getting from the White House, CDC and Pharma. It is clearly corrupt. Krystal's point about not allowing the patents to be released to the third world is a criminal conspiracy for profit. My question is, since many of these countries don't have access to good vaccines, my understanding is they are using existing approved medications as preventative measures. If that is true, then why is there not more data available about what is being used and working that is effective? It is so confusing for a regular person to try and sort through all of the conflicting information and propaganda that is being put out.


Hi, Just about every show, channel, Tweet, You Tube 0r Face Book post spend inordinate amounts of time pointing out the problems with the powers that be and the way that affects society. How about a show or series of shows dedicated to solutions. Cheers, Warren.

Taboo pandemic statistics

We see statistics on infections and deaths from the pandemic, but no one is really talking about the increase in depression, anxiety, suicide, addiction, overdoses, or other deaths that were caused from people not being able to go to the doctor. I’m curious about the death toll for these pandemic affected issues and it’s relation to each countries lockdown procedures OR you could just do North America.

White Collar Amazon Workers

Krystal/Saagar, LOVE the show. I have been hounding relatives to watch just one short 10-minute clip of you guys a's working :) As a tech worker in Seattle, I have lots of white-collar friends and contacts at Amazon. It is almost impossible to get them to agree and see things through the lens of their blue-collar colleagues. What strategies would you recommend to help paint the picture for them and what are your overall thoughts on the dynamics of white-collar workers, not supporting their blue-collar colleagues?

Codify Roe v Wade?

In light of the Supreme Court hearing on the Mississippi abortion ban, would it be possible for Biden to codify Roe v Wade thru execution action or would it need to pass thru congress? What options does Biden have?