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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Where is the full program?

It's Monday, and I have no access to the full program? There is the 15min Q&A on how they do the program, but that is it. Thanks.

Matthew McConnehy

Saagar: Given his refusal to take any substantive positions, how do you explain your take on Matthew McConnehy?

Speed round

I love the in-depth coverage of important stories; never stop what you do! Have you ever thought of including a segment with quick takes on several topics that may not require a deep dive? For instance, things that may be covered by MSM that we've all heard a lot about already, or even recently surfaced issues that don't yet have the context to cover entirely but should be brought to attention.

Chris Wallace

Hi Guys, Big fan, so my question is with “Chris Wallace” leaving Fox News, are you guys planning to hire him??

Will Partisan Election Boards and State Laws End Democracy In America?

Hello Krystal and Saagar - The Atlantic and other news organizations have recently run stories about the Red State laws that allow political entities to overrule ballot counts. Similarly, there have been several stories about local election board officials resigning because of threats and intimidation by Trump supporters. Are these phenomena real? If so, will they permanently give control of the government to MAGA Trumpists? Thanks - I trust your honest assessment.