Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Supplemental news

Any recommendations for supplemental news? Specifically, written news. When looking for additional news sources-I never know if I should subscribe to certain journals/say fuck it and only look at substacks of journalists I know & trust/or another route. Looking for a measured view on things to be able to form my own opinion around

Rank choice voting

On your show you keep talking about rank choice voting. I could see where this might be useful in a primary but in state and federal elections it would be useless until you have more than two parties. As well, rank choice voting tends to bolster the centrists as the left will usually pick them for their second choice and the same for the right party. Please explain to me how rank choice voting will change the government for the better.

The stock market

Hi Sagaar, can you explain to someone as finicancially illiterate as myself, how the plunge protection team at the U.S. Treasury works?

comment deletion

i made a comment under your 1/24 show and checked back about 30 minutes later and it had been removed. is that your doing? or YouTube? it was about a 90 word comment saying i do not think you go far enough to criticize the USA on Ukraine.

Do We Really Need Money?

Is money, or exchangeable capital, a necessary aspect of a society? I guess a social credit system is a possibility but that seems kind of sus. What do you two think? Are there any alternatives to both a fundimentally money based society as we know it and a social credit system? I am asking because the income/wealth system in the U.S. is so inexorably unfair it infuriates me on a daily basis, and part of me thinks that this whole "money thing" is just not working. Also y'all are the absolute best! So much respect and admiration for what you are doing for Americans in today's world. Cheers, Jacob