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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Reaching New Audiences

Hey Krystal and Saagar! Bare with me as I tell you my story, I actually heard you two for the first time on Joe Rogan’s podcast and specifically the Amazon clip Saagar referred to on your last episode. Funny enough, an old friend of mine is an Amazon driver and I grabbed drinks with him shortly after seeing that clip, and to my surprise, he was LITERALLY having to go to the bathroom in the backseat of his delivery truck so he can make his deliveries on time. That conversation validated everything I had heard Krystal mention and it blew my mind. Ever since that moment, I started listening to your show and quickly became a premium member shortly thereafter. I’m happy I ran into that clip because my worldview has fundamentally changed. I thought I’d never say this but I actually CARE about politics now. So thank you Joe Rogan, and thank you to you both for everything you do! ❤️ My question involves reaching new audiences because I ran into the clip on TikTok which eventually lead me to your podcast. So what's your strategy to get more listeners? Have you thought about expanding to other platforms since clearly there's an effort to throttle your videos on YouTube? Thanks, Olyadi (Ohh-Lee-Ahh-Dee) ;)

When can you trust Big Pharma/Big Business/Big Government?

How are you able to trust Big Pharma/Big Business/Big Government when it comes to covid vaccines and policies when they are the ones who benefit the most? When they have lied about so many things, do you actually think they have our best interest in mind? Are you still in favor of vaccine mandates?

Lifetime Subscribers

Hey Krystal & Saagar! Absolutely love the show! So much that I’m wondering how I become a lifetime subscriber? Thank you!

On your misunderstanding of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)

Krystal and Saagar, Like no others in the media do you project disgust with those that brought us to war in Iraq (the neo-cons mostly). I’m here not to convince you otherwise, but to simply offer a different perspective. OIF was a direct response to the terrorist attacks of 9/11. The Bush Administration overreacted, as they should have. Clearly, military action was required in Afghanistan to bring justice to those responsible. But Afghanistan simply was not geographically desirable. And the Bush Administration wanted to make a point: if you want a war, here is your war. The war goes down in your backyard, not our backyard. If you wanna get your jihad on, come meet us in Babylon. Iraq was a great target because we had already destroyed their army once, in the first gulf war, and have been imposing a no fly zone pretty much since then. We had a lot of really good targets in Iraq. You two get so caught up in the WMD claims. Obviously such claims were used as tools to manufacture consent. Because the real reason for the war was a little more complex. Actually, it was so fucking simple as to be impossible to understand. They landed the first blow, we dramatically overreact. Who’s they? Anyone associated with al qaeda or Islamic Terrorism. And it happens to be a fact that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi arrived in Iraq in 2002, before the US invasion! Zarqawi, the guy that founded Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), the guy that Bin Laden excommunicated from Al Qaeda because he was too evil. Zarqawi, the terrorist who founded an organization (AQI) too extreme for Al Qaeda, an organization that would become known to the world as ISIS. That guy, Zarqawi, was operating in Iraq before we invaded. I am of the mind that had W Bush not created a foreign battlefield post 9/11, America would have been subjected to more acts of terrorism within our borders. To those that would say the war in Iraq was a failure. Perhaps. So many mistakes were made in the occupation of Iraq. Specifically, the de-Bathification policy, and disbanding of the Iraq Army. Those early mistakes cost us dearly. The op didn’t go perfectly. If nothing else, the world learned that American will create a 20-year war in your country if we feel threatened. Finally, Saddam Hussane was a brutal dictator, not a legitimate leader. The people of Iraq were liberated from an evil dictator. Lots of things can be true at the same time. Me <- huge fan Truly, Ian Blackstone

What can be done to fix the rental market./Texas migration pricing Texans out of town.

I am 25, I live in Dallas Texas and I just got my first salaried job. I don’t have student loan debt, I own my car. My girlfriend makes $16 an hour with no student loan debt, and owns her car. We can’t afford rent of a two bedroom apartment nearly anywhere desirable. Let alone renting a house. The migration to Texas is making it unlivable for native Texas. It has made me despondent towards the thought of every being able to fulfill our dreams. I would love to hear your thoughts on the migration to Texas and the rental market effecting young people. 3 years ago we would have been able to get a nice 2 bedroom apartment on our nearly $80,000 annual combined income. It’s depressing to make an upward move and have the goal post moved. I feel quite desperate for change. Thank you. I love the show. Keep it going with the awesome coverage!✊🏻