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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Cyber Security

Hey guys, wanted to see if the subjects of cyber security and tech related crimes/scams interest you? As an IT guy I feel these things tend to be criminally under reported. Possibly due to lack of understanding by mainstream media and the general public. Thank you for all that you do.


Can you guys please drag Justin Trudeau more? He is an outright authoritarian

Help, please? -generation Z

What would Krystal and Saagar suggest to a frustrated 25 yo that feels his generation is lost with no sense of direction to even know that their lost? Seems like everyday I hear someone else my age make a comment about wanting the world to collapse, wanting chaos, or deifying a non existence in front of a screen as heavenly. I don’t know anyone my age not on some form of mood stabilizer, hyperactive disorder stimulant, opioid, or other medication. When I suggest to these people that their prescriptions or drug abuse might be the cause, they generally detach in a way that’s typical to an addicts behavior. I don’t think I’ve met someone my age that describes themself as “not depressed” and it’s even more rare to find one that describes themself as happy. My generation got iPhones in middle school, it seems like we were the first generation of the damned because of this. I’m just struggling to understand if all generations have a massive depression and drug abuse problem in their mid twenties? Am I over reacting and this is just how every generation is at this age? Medical professionals prescribe more drugs, tv suggests more drugs are the cure, all institutions were framed to us as meaningless. I’ve lost two friends my age and younger to Xanax overdose, from prescriptions that were prescribed to them. I lost my grandmother the same way. Three friends are addicted to adderall, meth addicts are abundant where I am and I can’t say they look much different than my friends. I don’t even want to get started on painkillers. My generation is in a hedonistic nose dive, godless but praying to pharmaceutical companies for fentanyl prescriptions... and I want to do something about it but I don’t know how, you guys are pioneers of your generation, paving the way for freedom of the press to live on, any advice for me on this?

Gen Z and the Iraq War Legacy

Hi Krystal and Saagar! I've heard you guys talk frequently about how a lot of the issues facing our society today can be linked back to the corruption of the Bush administration and subsequent invasion of Iraq. As someone in their early 20's (and a part of the upper end of Gen Z), I have no real memory of the Bush presidency, the Iraq War, 9/11, etc. How best can Gen Z become aware of the evils perpetrated in the early 2000's that contributed to the society we have inherited, and how can we hold those to blame accountable (if possible), in your opinion? Thanks, love the show!

Richard in Russia

I am a US citizen born in Portland Oregon in 1944. I moved to the USSR in August 1991, a few days before the end of the Soviet Empire -- I watched the end live in Moscow. Now I am watching the end of the US Empire. I've traveled to the USA about 10 times during the last 30 years, watching things get better in Russia and worse in the USA. May I discuss with you what I have seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears? In Ukraine (both before and after the end of the USSR) as well as in Russia. I am an independent scientist, PhD in Chemistry from UCSD in 1974, and am a co-author on publications with two different Nobel Prize Winners, AM Prokhorov of the General Physics Institute of the Soviet Academy of Sciences in Moscow and H Michel of the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry in Martinsreid Germany (near Munich). I was the Editor of the English edition of the Russian Academy of Sciences journal Biokhimiya/Biochemistry (Moscow) for almost 20 years. You can see my record on the internet using various search engines as "Richard H Lozier". Fortunately, my family name is not very common. If you include my middle initial (it's H for Harry) it will be me. Peace Richard in Russia