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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Saagar wrong about BBB

I would argue that the DEM party as a team did not support BBB from day one, But to say that progressives didn't support it, I think would be wrong. Bernie wanted 19 trillion, 10 trillion, 6 trillion, 4.5 trillion, and the progressive party was really hoping for at least 3.5 trillion with no gutting. The DEM party however wanted nothing but a tax break for the rich.


Saagar, why don't you correct people when they pronounce your name incorrectly? It's super easy especially compared to the compared to 50-syllable Indian names (see Hasan's stand up-"homecoming") And Krystal- I'd love to hear any stories about having a full name that's a noun. Any time it started an interesting conversation or has it just been a goofy burden most of the time? Love y'all best wishes

Daycare tax credit/reform

This is my first year of adding daycare cost to my taxes. Our now 15 month old son has been in daycare since March while we work. I reported what I spent in the appropriate manner, and notice I am getting half of what I paid back in my refund. For what it's worth my daycare is very modest price compared to others where it would be double the price. If we are already giving half the money back for what was spent in a year, how is this not a start to reform so daycare is easier to attain and cost much less? Is this, a good enough reason to never vote for an incumbent in Congress because all 535 of them are clearly useless when the start to this reform seems already 50% done. Thanks for doing what you do and keep fighting that bias fight. #noincumbents2022

Bitcoin / Crypto Currency

I've recently gone down an internet rabbit hole of learning more about bitcoin and cryptocurrency. I'm curious as to what your thoughts are on it and any advice for good resources to learn more.

How does Joe Rogan's ass taste?

Hi guys, I discovered Rising around the same time I discovered JRE. Watched a bunch of clips on YouTube and the early stuff is really great. Joe used to have on a mix of guests and seemed to genuinely ask interesting questions. That's the past and ain't no going back. His show is boring and cringe. Yet both of you guys keep kissing that ass. The way you protect Joe is gross. They way you guys thirst after his audience I disgusting. Lol😅 Love your show, will keep watching. I know many of lefties probably tuned out when you're gone Krystal , but not me. Liked Marshal and Saagar, really liked it when it was Kyle and Saagar. I was hoping that Saggar would be cursing like cray cray by the end of the show , but can't have all my wishes come true. Lol But , like my question is this : so really, what does Joe's ass take like?? JZ PS. I work for a company that has contracts with Amazon. I am a truck driver and deliver/pick up from the big distributions centers. Omg, Amazon is so wasteful. There is many a night that take an trailer that's 10% full to Kent WA from Portland and either get an empty trailer or bobtail back. Really have mixed feeing pulling their freight.