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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Your not looking at humanity itself

Have either one of you watched the body cam video from Hamas on Oct 7 th? The public ( your viewers) place more value in actual proof of action than personal opinion or emotional based opinion. I love your channel but I feel that that you are not looking at the full picture when it comes to Hamas. I am a independent at heart and am torn like most Americans on the what is going on in Gaza. But I and others are relying more on those that watched the Hamas body cams real time footage than relying on your emotional knee jerk. My life has been devoted to children. But I also remember Hiltlet the 6 million Jews annilation and Vietnam. It not as black and white, right and wrong as you have made your stand. The news is more responsible in how it is perceived in to the average person. Krystal- when your protesters do something heinous that claims innocent lives will you still be proud of them? Saagar it’s not about the economy. I lived thru Vietnam. This is not the same.

Covering health care

I am wondering why you haven't covered any health care topic. Currently, we have more and more evidence of how Medicare Advantage is ripping off and ruining traditional Medicare while it enriches private insurers. Neither political party is really raising this issue that is impacting tens of millions of Americans now (and those who will need Medicare in the future); Here is a great story that came out today on the issue:

I would be interested in a segment on Dispensationalism

I don't know if Breaking Points wants to stay away from topics of religion, but I would be interested in a segment on how American Evangelicalism, Dispensationalist theology, and ergo Christian Nationalism is a driving force behind the US Uniparty's uncompromising geopolitical support of Israel. It may seem ridiculous to discuss religion when one could argue that more grounded motivations are driving our foreign policy (military strategy, territory, resources like rumored oil offshore of Gaza, etc.) but I think Dispensationalism will be an important subject sometime in the future, considering how if Israel decides to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem, it would require demolishing the Dome of the Rock which would provoke every Muslim on earth. Not every Christian denomination subscribes to Dispensationalism so it'd be interesting to see the historical interplay and how it relates to the current conflict. Many people have no idea about it but it's influence on US foreign policymakers of the past century is undeniable and goes deep.

Musicians Union

Hi Krystal and Saagar, I’m a 31 year old musician. I have been playing professionally since I was 16. I often play with musicians who are much older that say they were making the same money they do on gigs now as they were in the 1980s. Like many industries, music has been monopolized. Recently, the UMAW has proposed legislation (thanks to Rashida Tlaib and Jamaal Bowman!!) to crack down on Spotify’s corruption and terrible treatment of artists. Would you ever bring someone on to talk about this? *side note* being a musicians and hearing my fav political commentators talk about music is so cringe sometimes. When I heard Ryan was a phish fan…. That did not compute for me 😅😅

SUVs Suck!

Given Saagar's horrible take on Sunday, I was wondering if you would do a segment talking with some people from the organization Strong Towns about the history of American car dependency. They talk about other things as well, from a cross-partizan perspective similar to your own. Highly recommend, and not just to roast Saagar.