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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Do you plan to do any original reporting?

I love seeing you guys interview journalists who are doing original reporting in stories the media doesn't cover eg. the eviction moratorium. Do you guys plan to do anything similar?

How do you push a vaccine when everybody lied?

Why would anyone be expected to take vaccine that derived from liars? Also it had a 6 month lifespan or did it?, It has a booster requirement or does it?.... And people are still testing positive that’s a fact... and leave the kids alone, damn. But great job you guys

Name for the Fanbase

Does there yet exist a name for the fanbase of the show? If not, I'd like to suggest "lemonbreakers", because much of the spirit of the show is finding constructive ways to move forward within the current American government-media hellscape, making lemonade out of these lemons modern American life has thrown us. And one makes this lemonade by breaking the lemons and adding some ice krystals and some saagar, er, sugar.

Overcoming Vaccine Objections Diplomatically

It seems like a lot of folks want to just yell at each other because "science" tells them this or that. While I personally am for the vaccine, I totally understand why folks are skeptical of the vaccines. How do we get those skeptics to feel better about the vaccine AND how do we stop calling them "ANTI-VAX IDIOTS" and such. The finger pointing is doing MORE to alienate and divide than unify.

How can ordinary people fight the War Against the Culture War?

I have felt for a long time that the Culture War is the biggest threat to our country and democracy in general - which is why I was so happy to find your show. How can ordinary people best participate in the effort to “make people hate each other less and hate the corrupt ruling class more” (other than by subscribing to content like Breaking Points)? Should we all be trying to get jobs in media and government where we can help from the “inside,” or are there more realistic points of access? It feels lame to be tweeting and subscribing my way into alignment with a cause I really believe in.