Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Could Be Both Lol

Are Republicans going to sweep the midterms because Bidens a disaster or because they're gerry-mandering and making it harder for people to vote?

Will you cover the flint water crisis 2.0

Jordan Chariton has uncovered that they are trying to sweep the flint water crisis under the rug again. Will you guys be covering this. Or will you please. You guys rock and glad your doing so well =)

I think this is a good time to push a 3rd party

I think 2024 is the time to make a list of BP candidates that we should be voting for and I really think we all need to start refusing to vote Republican or Democrat. I dont care what the alternative is at this point. But I believe we need to be voting for it...what's your take. Let's run both parties right off the planet

Will you cover doctor from Houston suing Houston Methodist for not providing info on COVID

She’s had a few press conferences now. She’s big on preventative treatment and transparency. Press conference is on YT KPRC 2 Click2Houston. Title: River Oaks Doctor Suspended from Houston Methodist (4 days ago):

Find Myself Not Wanting to Watch

I'm a lifetime member and appreciate what you are doing. However, I find myself not wanting to watch your episodes anymore because exposing the corruption is not enough - we have to fight back and that is what is missing. We all know we are fucked and are system is corrupt. I feel like I don't need more evidence, I need solutions.