Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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"BNSF railroad tries to block 17,000 workers from striking" - Story to watch

"This strike shouldn't be allowed because it would hurt the economy too much".

JRE McMaster

Any thoughts on Joe’s interview with HR McMaster? I think that warrants a segment on your show much more than that letter signed by dentists and dieticians.

Tulsi Republican??

Hey guys! Long time listener and premier subscriber. What are your thoughts on Tulsi Gabbard running as a 2024 presidential contender on the Republican ticket?? How would that play out?

When did a Non campaign, a basement campaign, a hide/banned from the media campaign, become the best campaign strategy?

Biden stayed out of the spotlight, in hiding, letting the DCCC media sabotage his running mates so that he would have plausible deniability. Trumps deplatforming allowed us to forget what a despicable person he is. Can we Have a candidate that we want to see on television, says the right thing, we are PROUD to vote for. IS there anyone like that, that PERSONALLY FIGHTS for what Americans need. God I hope so......Trump aint it, Biden aint it. Pete ain't it.....Who is IT?

Economic Policy and Legal Theory

Saagar, Given how the current economic model is rigged towards corporate power, how does one go about changing the policies and laws to more accurately reflect the majority of Americans daily life requirements and to better aid the public in promoting a more robust working middle-class? Additionally, what are your thoughts on the law & economics theory and the potential role it could play in addressing economic policy issues?