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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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But tiktok

Can you interview some free speech vc to explore a crowd sourced buyout of tiktok? We need to outbid Mnuchin. I'd buy shares.

What drink does everyone order at dinner?

Breaking Points has opened up my news consumption diet to The Intercept, The Federalist, Krystal Kyle and Friends, and The Realignment). Each of you have a different flavor of politics and I wonder if it reflects in your drink choices at dinner when you are all eating together and venting about the day's ridiculous assault on democracy. I like an Old-Fashioned with a large ice cube when chatting politics. How about ya'll?

Why Only This Issue?

Krystal. Do you care about any of THESE recent massacres or genocides? Why don't we hear about THESE every day? Why only and CONSTANTLY Gaza? The only difference I see is Gaza involves Jews, which the show seems to have a unique hatred for. Why? What is the unique difference I obviously seem to be missing here that makes Gaza so special if it isn't that? 2017-2019 - Rohingya massacres and ethnic cleansing 2017-present - Uyghur ethnic cleansing and forced displacement 2013-present - South Sudan massacres 2020-present -Tigray, Ethiopia massacres These are just current! The world is ALWAYS destroying itself, why is the show SO fixated on JUST this issue?! Please, make it make sense, because it looks like classic Jew hating.

stormy daniels 1099

If stormy daniels was "paid for her services" by donald trump then he should of issued a 1099 and she should of reported it as income on tax return. If not then she was just a "kept women" with benefits and payments to her are non issue.what you say?

Can you interview Dan Osborn? He’s running as an independent for senate in Nebraska.

Dan doesn’t have a history in politics and is currently a full time steam fitter while running his senatorial campaign. He is a Navy veteran and led his local chapter of the Kellogg Union during the 2021 strike. He also has worked as an industrial mechanic. I hadn’t heard about him until I watched a More Perfect Union video about his campaign, and he is gonna need a lot more exposure to take on a Democrat and incumbent Republican later this year!