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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Social media influence

I’ve noticed that President Biden instagram posts are at the top of my feed every time I open the app. I’ve actively noticed it the last three days in a row. Is this something you see or others see? Seems odd that every single time I open the app, a post from POTUS is at the top of the feed.

Voting systems

Sounds like all of us are tired of our choices when it comes to elections. Why don’t you guys push or talk about other voting systems such as ranked choice or approval voting? What’s your opinion on the different systems? Have a preferred one? Seems to me a lot of our problems in politics can be solved by eliminating our two party system in this way.


What’s your favorite political song or artist? I’d recommend give Rich Man’s World a listen by Immortal Technique, maybe even have him come onto Breaking Points

Confused by the new AAA bill

Thank you for the interesting Counterpoints debate on the recent AAA bill passed in the House. I’m very confused still about what is actionable and what is not with this new bill against anti-Semitism. Following are some statements, from obvious to subtle, that could be examples of actionable anti-Semitic speech, or not. Please weigh in. 1. Zionists are the sadistic, soulless minions of Satan. 2. Deuteronomy is a load of crap. 3. In the Counterpoints debate Ilia Shapiro called Jewish students in the Pro-Palestinian encampments “fellow travelers” and “idiots.” Can he be indicted? 4. In 1936 Hitler invited Martha Graham to perform at the Berlin Olympics. She declined stating “So many artists whom I respect have been persecuted that I should consider it impossible to identify myself by accepting the invitation with the regime that has made such things possible.” If, for example, a famous American concert pianist now refused to play a concert in Tel Aviv and cited as the reason a public statement in favor of Palestinians, would that pianist be brought to trial?

cultural change

It seems like we often become whatever we are fighting. For instance, the Germans did it to the Jews, and now the Jews are doing it to the Palestinians. In WWII we fought against the facists, and now, with corporate control of govt. we have become the greatest facist country on the planet. My question is, with SCOTUS taking control of women's bodies and having fought for 20 years in Afghanistan, do you think in 30 years all American women will be required to wear burkas? And Sagar, if you want "proof" Google april 14,1561 Nuremburg