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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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confused how some can view Hamas as freedom fighters

First and foremost, I am so grateful for this program and so grateful for the team of ideologically consistent people on it! First time asking a question but i thought to myself who better to ask then ya'll? To start I am a student who has an encampment on the grounds of our college and though I condemn the actions taken by Israel I am disheartened by these protestors and what appears to me to be support of the terrorist organization Hamas. My question is how do we address this? How do we have good faith conversation with people who see Hamas as liberators and freedom fighters? When I spoke with the head of the encampment (and several other protestors) I had expected to find like minded people but that turned out to not be the case and when I pressed her (and others) about their feelings around the terrorist group all they could say is its complicated and we are not anti-Semitic we are anti-Zionist. I find it frustrating these people who admonish Israel for killing civilians seemingly don’t notice their own hypocrisy or how their statements around resistance to occupation is justified not only hurts the cause but does nothing to move the conversation forward. Once again thank you so much for all you do!

Trump Trial Coverage

I do not trust mainstream media to give me accurate information. I rely on my premium subscription to your channel and “X”. The drawback to X is you have to do further digging to confirm the veracity of what you are reading. I would appreciate if you would address some of the purported statements made by key witnesses and/or the prosecution/defense that appear to make the trial seem a sham.

Tik Tok's Section 230 Catch 22

Ryan's argument about Tik Tok being protected by the 1st amendment raises an interesting point. If ByteDance is arguing that the Tik Tok ban is intended to silence certain types of speech on their platform, does that not also mean they should lose their immunity under Section 230 of the Telecommunications Act? How can they claim they're being silenced and still maintain that they don't exert editorial control over the content published on their platform?

Lab Meat Debate Debacle

I listened to Krystal and Saagar's debate on lab-grown meat. I love your show. I listen every day and find you both incredibly knowledgable on a wide range of geo-political issues. But respectfully, several statements made about food and farming during your debate were just wrong. I totally understand, as food policy does not get the attention it deserves and there is just so much crazy, conflicting information on this topic out there. Would you ever consider having some actual experts on farming and food production appear on your show? Food security and the influx of imports are critically important issues and people should know more than they do. And, the next time you're in California I'd love to show you how we really grow food out here. It's pretty amazing.

Fetterman Switches Parties

If Trump wins the presidency how long do you give it before Fetterman ether pulls a Sinema and goes independent or just switches to a Republican? I give a year tops.