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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Topic Frequency (the big hitters) & Weekly Content Scaffold Question/Recommendation

Hey BP crew! Question: what's the in-team vibe on how often you are hitting the same macro-level topics show-to-show? I ask because I'm one of those junkies who has consumed every BP/CP show released, and am finding myself quite desensitized and tired of tuning in to what sounds like homogeny in subjects day to day. Trump trials, campus protests, Israel/Gaza, Ukraine, etc. Not invalidating the content, coverage, or giving voice to the perspectives - just...I feel like it's starting to wade into SSDD territory, so highlighting it. I know it's not something likely to be adopted, but *personally* I'd love if we checked in on those ongoing subjects once a week (barring any truly breaking and major updates with material and time sensitive impact) in a "'Big shit everyone is talking about' Weekly Briefing". Why? to allocate more capacity towards the topics NOT being covered anywhere else, exposing BS, corruption, and/or little green men. You DO put a significant amount of time and effort in there, so not arguing that. Note: I am looking at this from a subscriber and full-show perspective, and fully appreciate that you do have to play the game a bit with the hot topics in your public YT clips. So, not a silver bullet, but sharing the thoughts of a millennial news junkie and huge fan of the entire BP team. You're spearheading the effort to save honest discourse in this country, and I thank you for that.

Does Krystal realize there's multiple genocides in the world?

I admire Krystal's passion about the genocide in Gaza...but how about other genocides in the world? Uganda? Ugyrs in China? North Korea? Why does Krystal get so animated about only one genocide when there's multiple countries committing genocides all over the world? How about some equal representation and coverage of those genocides? I'm just sick and tired of Krystal's monologue about how wrong it is for Israel to commit a genocide. Do some other coverage of other genocides if you are so passionate about everything human life.

Suits and Business Casual advice from Saagar

Saagar, I am a long time listener (going back to 2019/2020 and the Hill) and have heard you talk several times over the years about suits and dressing well. I recently retired from the Marines and never had to worry about dressing a certain way. Now that I am entering the business world, where do you recommend that I start my journey on learning how to put together a proper suit and business casual attire?

Debate: Zeihan vs Mearsheimer

Thanks for giving Ryan and Emily more love. The Friday format for Counter Points has been stellar. Loving the new format I’ve been interested in seeing a debate between liberal versus realist thought with regard to American foreign policy. Peter Zeihan tends to embody a more American exceptionalism stance and seems very bullish about America’s long term standing as the 21st century unfolds, especially regarding the (supposed) future Russian and Chinese state failures. Professor John Mearsheimer, however, seems to be much more skeptical about America’s positioning and ability to juggle the growing geopolitical instability, given how much of a disaster both Israel/Gaza and the Russo-Ukrainian War have been for America (not to mention a potential Taiwan debacle/hot conflict) I know this may be a tough ask, but I would love to see a spirited debate between these two learned gentlemen, both with strongly held convictions about America’s place in the world and their perspectives on the growing disarray

Left going All In on Palestine?

Is the modern lefts alliance with college students and college grads beneficial? Most young people care far more about housing costs than Palestine but nearly every left wing candidate stopped discussing bread and butter issues aside to focus on Gaza, specifically campus protests. In a prime opportunity for alternative candidates isn’t that a massive own goal? Love the show :)