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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Understanding the Overton Window

Hey Krystal and Saagar, I’ve heard you both reference the Overton Window numerous times, and I was hoping you explain the spectrum and its implementation in domestic and international politics. Here in the US I keep hearing that the Democratic Party is radical or far left, but when I look at their legislative voting history it looks like both major parties are, in some form, on the conservative end of the spectrum. Thanks, Ethan Sweat

Too much on Israel-Palestine?

I’m a huge fan but this has become less of an American political news show and more of Israel-Palestine non stop. Is it bad that I could not care less what happens outside of our borders? When will the focus shift back to American news and issues?

Larger Israel/ Palestine Conflict

Hi Krystal and Saagar, 1. Do you believe that Jews (specifically non mizrahi Jews) have a genetic/ indigenous tie to the Levant? If not, do you subscribe to the Khazar hypothesis? 2. What do you believe is the general reason for the conflict (starting from late 1800s-early 1900s)? Obviously a very complex question/ answer but do you tie it more to religion, land, colonialism or something else and why? I think it would be beneficial to hear your thoughts about the wider topic to contextualize your current thoughts. Thanks!

Gotta hear Krystal and Saagar's takes on the bear vs. man in the woods debate

I think I can guess the way both would answer, I'm interested in hearing both explanations and any discussion.

Race/sexism card?

Does Krystal feel the same way about people who say "everything is anti-semitism" as the people who say "you just don't like me because I'm black" or "you don't like me because I'm a woman and you're sexist"?