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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Saagar Needs To Push Back More

Krystal's ivory tower has only gotten taller. I haven't been subscribed since the beginning to watch the moral browbeating of her co-host. Equating pro-Israeli demonstrators as pro-genocide is as morally bankrupt as equating the anti-Israeli side as anti-semitic. I don't have any particular political affiliation nor an investment in this issue on any given "side". My personal preference would be stop most foreign aid until the poverty rate of citizens is near statistical 0 for example. But i pay for this to get insight and commentary into the political word as it impacts me as an American citizen. It's not clear to me that my time is well-served with the focus on an asymmetric war halfway across the world where our economic impact is minimal.


During the debate between Destiny and Omar, Destiny frequently interrupted Omar, causing them to talk over each other. How can it be prevented this from happening if you can't turn off their microphones? After a while, I just turned off the debate. This is the reason I don't like debate. Love the show

The Bill of rights

I’d love to hear your opinion on whether or not any of the basic rights enumerated in the bill of rights are actually truly protected. Going through them it seems like just from listening to BP I can remember a story that directly contradicts each one of the first 10 amendments. The 3rd is the only one I cant think of a story from recent memory but maybe i can’t remember. For context my parents think I’m a commie and some more liberal friends think I’m an alt right so I think I’m doing a decent job at seeing both sides.

Flat Tax Rate For Country

Hi Team, What are your thoughts on a flat tax rate for the country? One that no longer allowed for tax write-offs. Would this ever make sense? Would it ever be possible? Has there ever been credible analysis done on this? To me, it seems like it could bring in more tax revenue for the country with no more write-offs or loopholes for people who can afford lawyers to find them. What do you think?

Comment on show

I am a premium member and love the show but need to express an opiniion and this seems to be the only way. 1. Krystal needs to stop ranting about Israel every show- I understand her position and agree with a lot of it. But she takes up most of the airtime every show with a breathless 20 minute rant and it is repetitive and annoying. Saager gets to talk for about 10 minutes. Secondly her verbal tic of saying "etcetera etcetera" is getting worse and is also annoying. I only say these things because I assume they want constructiuve criticism?