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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Interview Gary Stevenson!

Have you guys considered interviewing Gary Stevenson? He has a really interesting story - came from a really poor background, got kicked out of school and then got a lucrative job at Citibank by winning a card game. He ended up being Citibank's best trader (globally) by betting that inequality will never improve. He now focuses on wealth economics and does a brilliant job explaining why economists are always wrong. He also predicted the current inflation issues way back at the start of the pandemic (and has the receipts to prove it).


What can we do for peace? Forget everything that has occurred. The honest truth is that most people don't care. It doesn't affect me. I don't care about the various resolutions and tit for tat attacks, history doesn't matter. Today we have the choice to bring peace, or kill. Chose peace. I really don't care if it is one state or two states. If you can't live together, make two states, but my question is why can't you live together? I'm not advocating for a one state solution, I'm only advocating for peace in whatever form it needs to take. You have to let go of the past, even the very recent past, forget it. It doesn't matter. Those who are dead, are dead. Those who are alive, are alive. I realize my view is probably not popular with either side. From a 10,000 ft view, killing people is wrong, period.

Saagar's stance on American foreign policy

Hey Krystal and Saagar, big fan of the show! My question is mainly for Saagar. You've mentioned that American foreign policy over the past couple of decades has been disastrous and that America needs to focus on its own affairs, letting other countries manage theirs. That being said do you believe that America has a moral obligation to address the consequences of its past actions i.e fix its own mess with something like The Marshall plan before adopting a more isolationist foreign policy? Thank you both, and lots of love!

Bernie Sanders a psyops?

Is it possible Bernie Sander's entire 2016 campaign was a psy op gone wrong? Did the DNC throw a Bernie bone to keep the liberals happy? Did they lose control of their operation because they didn't anticipate so a huge public response to Bernie's message. What other explanation works? Why did Bernie call Bebe a racist on the campaign trail and then later surprise and disgust others by kowtowing to Biden's support of Israel and Ukraine?

Overton Window wth

WTH is an Overton Window? I keep picturing Overton from Living Single but OB would never be a peeper. Seriously, what is it? Saager uses the term frequently. And no, I don’t have Google. 😎