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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Jeffrey Epstein Intel

Saagar, conspiracy theory time. Do you think there is a possibility that intel provided by Jeffrey Epstein to Mossad could currently be used to quash any dissent from politicians or others in power over this obliteration of Gaza and other nefarious acts by the Israeli goverment?

Americans in Turks and Caicos

Hi Saagar, Big fan of the show since the beginning on BP, I recently came to know about 2 Americans who are stuck in Turks and Caicos, awaiting trial on ammunition charges and facing 12 years in prison. Have you looked into it and if so what do you think about it?

Krystal: Why do you think RFK is wrong about Vaccines?

Seems like something you believe in strongly, I am wondering what backs it up?

Rapper Beef

In the wake of the P Diddy scandal, Drake and Kendrick Lamar have been at each other’s throats recently. I’ve been seeing breakdowns of Kendrick’s latest song implying Drake has also participated in serious sexual misconduct. This has been lighting up the internet over the past few days and I would love to get your take on this unfolding conflict for no reason other than entertainment value.

Israel/Palestine Debate

Hey BP team, you all held an energetic and mesmerizing debate on Wednesday with Destiny and Omar Baddar! As a fan of both the BP show and Destiny, I was glad to see you all give him a chance to express his ideas and logic on a situation as complex as this one. That being said, I do have a concern that was eminently brought up throughout the debate. There seems to be a fear of or discomfort in “getting into the weeds” of certain situations, definitions, and/or contextual items. I understand that it can be frustrating to debate on small technicalities that most people may not be able to follow in full cognition. However, when debating a topic such as Israel/Palestine, I think it’s necessary to fully comprehend all underlying facts and contexts in order to ascertain a clear understanding such a topic. It’s no secret that the way you perceive something is built upon all the fundamental nuances and any small discrepancies can lead to drastically different viewpoints. Surface level conversation and platitudes can never lead to full on discussion that furthers the understanding of the situation at hand. And so here is my question: do you think debates should facilitate “getting into the weeds/details” of topics and do you think it is helpful (for both sides of an argument) to do so?