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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Favorite Movies and Favorite US States

Hey Krystal and Saagar, I was wondering if you could give us your top 5 favorite movies and why they are your favorites? Also which US states do you enjoy visiting or would like to visit if you had the opportunity?

Business + technology segment

I wondered why you do not introduce a business + technology segment to your show. I understand that may not be K or S core focus, but you can surely pull in a great young talent to cover that. Everyone out there covering business is old and pay to play. we need something fresh like you guys.

Kevin O’Leary insane dystopian rants

Have you heard Kevin O’Leary bonkers about using AI to never hire college protestors? Also if we are going to deport non citizens who don’t hold American Values if trump wins can we start with O’Leary(no matter how nice his watch collection is)

Suggested topic for your MONDAY: May 6, 2024 show regarding The Chris Hedges Report and the Real News Network

A Mass E-Mail from Chris Hedges sent to his substack subscribers today regarding his show on the Real News Network My show on The Real News has been canceled because of my critiques of the Democratic Party and Joe Biden I was just informed by Max Alvarez, the Editor-in-Chief at The Real News, that they will no longer run my show. The reason for the cancellation, he said, is that my critiques of Biden, especially for the genocide in Gaza, jeopardizes his nonprofit status. My last show with Dennis Kucinich, who is running as an independent for Congress in Ohio, was removed from the site. I will resurrect the show on an independent platform, although it make take me a few weeks to get this set up. This will need more explanation. I have seen you interview Max Alvarez before. Would be great to invite Chris Hedges on the show too.

Counter Points Debate

I thought Emily did a good job moderating the debate between Omar and Ryan against Steven. I hope You bring Steven back on to debate a far right Zionist. That way Ryan can be on Stevens side in the debate. What were your thoughts on the debate Saagar? You recently talked about how much you despise Steven and will not talk to him. Has the debate made you reconsider at all? I have been a fan of both BP and Steven for years and have wanted to to see a discussion between you three given how much you all overlap with each other despite sharp differences.