Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Armenian Genocide

With all of the (warranted) focus on the Palestinian genocide, you guys have not spent much/any time on the Armenian genocide in Artsakh by Azerbaijan recently highlighted by RFK Jr. What is your opinion on that conflict? Is it just an attempt by RFK to take the focus off the Israeli/Palestinian conflict?

Whitney Webb

Do you guys follow Whitney Webb? She has done some amazing investigation into military contractors and their connections to Wall Street, global banking, and its connections to intelligence and government. She would be better suited to a long form conversation, but she strikes me as a great Breaking Points guest. What if you brought her in on a Friday for a Counter Points Convo? What are your thoughts on her work?

Ryan- got religion?

Hey Ryan, I don’t want to assume you’re non-religious but I find you to be a metaphysical straight shooter. So, if you aren’t already religious- which religion WOULD you be if you had to pick? (And why?)

Sample size

I’m an audio listener to the show, so I’m not sure if it’s shown in the video portion. But when you are talking percentages in polls, can you provide the sample size and variance? I heard a few times you mention that it’s within the standard of error, but no indication is given as to what the same size is or the variance. Please keep up the good work, I learn so much from the show.

Sending link

Didn’t know where to share this with you but check out another Boeing whistleblower found dead.