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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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BP Treatment of Israel and Anti-Semitism

I have been a subscriber from the founding of Breaking Points. Like some of your other listeners, I am concerned about your un-balanced opinions about Israel and their actions with respect to Gaza war. Now that the conflict has spilled onto college campuses, there is a new phase where progressives talk about the peaceful protests, free speech and the “weaponization of anti-semitism”. You point to the participation of Jewish students as proof that the protests are not anti-semitic. Make no mistake, whenever there is a chant of “From the River to the Sea”, that is a call for the elimination of Israel. That is an anti-semitic statement. Zionism was the response to anti-semitism dating to the turn of the century. In my opinion, Zionism, Israel and Jewishness are inextricably interwoven. When progressives say they are not anti-Semitic but anti-Zionist, they are essentially saying that the Jewish people are not entitled to their identity and can wither on the vine as they are dispersed throughout the world. The protests may not be explicitly anti-Semitic but they are implicitly anti-semitic through its call for the destruction of Israel. A Concerned Subscriber


Hi Krystal and Saagar! With the genocide in Gaza, M23 in the Congo, threat of Ukraine spiraling, and rising income inequality it’s tough to find hope in the news today. What makes you both the most hopeful and optimistic about the future?

While most protests are 'peaceful', shouldn't the existence of hate-filled protests rightfully make Jewish people feel uncomfortable?

Here is an example. In Canada, Charlotte Kates (coordinator for PFLP) was said saying this in Vancouver: - Led demonstrators saying "Long live October 7th" - "We stand with the Palestinian resistance and their heroic brave action on October 7" (it was 'heroic' to seek out and murder civilians at a music festival?) - "Hamas is not a terrorist organization...hezbollah is not a terrorist organization...these are resistance fighters. These are our heroes" Should Jewish people feel safe hearing this? Freedom of speech, if this happened in the US...sure. But to see this, and not decry it, while also saying "Everything is anti-semitism to these folks" while seeing this and downplaying it feels like a big 'fuck you' to Jewish people who rightfully should feel uneasy about this kind of rhetoric.

Presidential debate

With how unlikely we are to see any kind of presidential debate, let alone 3rd party Inclusion. Would breaking points consider hosting a debate that includes the 3rd party candidates that are often excluded from mainstream events?

Thomas Sowell "There are no solutions, only trade offs"

What is your take on Thomas Sowell's economic views? It would be helpful to understand which principles you might agree with and which ones you oppose. He has an interesting background, and though he is 93, it would be interesting to witness a discussion on Breaking Points. In our current climate, the statement, "There are no solutions, only trade-offs," seems extremely relevant. I am often conflicted about whether this is pragmatic and insightful or lacks creativity and courage—maybe both. As a founding member, I believe it's our shared responsibility to dismantle the dogma of our public discourse. Doing so can elevate our discussions from empty rhetoric to more enlightening exchanges. Let's actively seek out more individuals who, like us, are committed to curbing extremism and fostering healthier outcomes. GM