Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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I am a small business owner of an insurance agency. While I agree that non-competes that don't allow an employee to leave and work in a geographic area and/or industry should be banned, I am wondering about your opinions on another aspect of non-competes. As an owner of an insurance agency we spend a huge amount of money in business development and marketing with the sole purposed to acquire new clients. I am an ardent supporter of a non-competes ability to block an employees ability to leave my agency and take ANY clients with them. How is that possibly fair to a business owner that spent the money to acquire the clients, and provide training, support, and tools and in turn have the employee take the clients with him/her out the door?

Counter points ama? (And a debate I would love to see yall host)

With the all the extra Ryan and Emily content we will be getting, could you guys also do a counter points AMA segment? Also, given how Saagar has possibly earned some trust with Dennis Prager (should have gone to that dinner, saagar), how possible do y'all think it would be to sit him down with Joko Willink? I think seeing Prager grapple with his case for special counter terrorism operations would be invaluable. Loved seeing yall in Austin. <3

Marijuana and bias

Saagar, how can you be so nuanced in other areas, yet be completely bias in your observations of marijuana? I understand the smell aspect completely. But acting like that is more detrimental than the hundreds of thousands of DUI’s we have per year (which is completely legal) yet we don’t hear about it because it’s accepted in society as normal, even though by all measures it’s a harder drug in every way. My question is when will you actually start covering the topic with nuance rather than being so aggressively anti weed you can’t even begin to have a conversation. You need to at least start advocating for the reclassification so there can be pressure on getting real studies going. There’s been some but being a schedule one drug ( no medicinal value) is disgusting and should change. Listening to you completely ignore Krystal when she mentioned veterans is actually gross. It genuinely helps people but because you are mad you don’t even want to acknowledge it. Slightly embarassing. Your energy reeks (no pun intended) get off my lawn. Your confirmation bias on weed is incredibly strong smelling.

Political Movie/TV favorites

I am curious if you have a favorite political movie or television show like The West Wing or Veep? Also do you have any favorites in regard to journalism? Love the show, Jim.

Can we get Jordan Chariot on the JRE show with one of you (or both)?

Idk if it's possible, but I feel like Rogan would be receptive to bringing Jordan on the show to promote his documentary on Flint and I think it would do a tremendous amount to bring attention to all of those people still in need of help.