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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Union Reading Recommendation

Do you have any reading recommendations regarding unions? I’m interested in learning more because right now I view them as a business of their own. Historically, it’s because of the unions that we have the 40 hour work week, child labor laws, OSHA, etc… but what have they done lately? I don’t recall hearing any coverage of a union that didn’t collect member dues during Covid to help their members.

Gov’t agencies

Hello, was hoping you had recommendations on how I can learn more about gov’t agencies: how / why they were created, modern agency capture. Thanks for all your insights!

Krystal and Saagar being parodied with voice over in a YOUTUBE video by the Channel - ADAM SOMETHING - uploaded 4/25/2024

I discover today on this video released by the YOUTUBE channel ( ADAM SOMETHING ) the both Krystal and Saagar were used in a parody segment of the video (between the 1:45 – 2:34 mark). How does this make you feel that your past videos are being used for the purpose of making a point? Do you feel like this shows that you have made it? Do you have any idea what you were originally talking about in that segment? Also, what are your true feelings on modern architecture? (see below for link) Was Modern Architecture A Mistake? (YOUTBE channel – ADAM SOMETHING) R. Doherty Houston, TX

Are we heading towards mass civil disobedience?

There has been completely disproportionate, harsh and aggressive responses to peaceful protests. The protestors didn’t damage public property or harm anyone and the level of response truly seems out of a dystopian fantasy. There is no signs that the protests are ending, in fact they are getting more support. I think we are heading towards the modern American version of Tinaman square. It’s only a matter of time before our cops start firing bullets. Do you think we are heading towards mass civil disobedience?

Request for Inquiry about Freedom of Speech about Israel

So I have been a sub for awhile off and on and usually watch your shows at work (usually youtube clips even though I sub) and comment on tons of posts. I also tend to comment alot on other News networks like TRT,France24, and Al Jazeera and whenever I see anti US speech about complicity in Genocide and as a proud American and USMC Veteran I stand up and say like "Hey, We are not all like this!" and other comments about this kind of stuff and I noticed that whenever I advocate for peace my comments vanish. Can Breaking Points or the Intercept Investigate Youtube for making peace remarks dissapearing because this is crazy. I am not advocating for Palestine, but I also don't want to pay to have them removed or fund this especially since all of the recent conflicts including ones I have been deployed in like Operation Enduring Freedom or the War of Terror seem to "Defend" the US against all of the countries that just happen to be all the countries surrounding Israel's borders. I find nothing to be more detestable then kids joining the military to "Defend our Country" only to come back with TBIs, skin grafts covering their bodies, or even in a bodybag to defend Israel's hostile actions. Nobody desires peace more then a man who has truely expierienced the true terror of war. You truely come back feeling alienated ashamed that your friends that you can have spent like 16 hours a day for monthes talking to in a hesco barrier tower with coming home to see the people who went home look like patchwork men. Can you please investigate and make a remark about how Youtube is erasing comments that advocate for peace? So many of my comments with me saying stuff like "AIPAC bought our politicians" or "The people of the US do not want this its just our Government" being erased. These are not advocating for violence but actually the opposite and they are being removed and II feel like yall are the only ones who speak truth to power.