Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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4th ammendment

Hey guys. Why do you think that the 4th amendment gets so little attention in media? The search and seizure of private data etc. certainly must be a bi partisan issue that all are on board with.

Being conservative and pro union

I am republican and am in a local government union and am trying to convince my conservative friends why unions aren’t the enemy. A while back Saagar talked about why he feels more conservatives should embrace unions because it less government. Can he elaborate on this?

Should we have a war tax

I think part of what's made our country so aggressive militarily is we don't all have to contribute something when we are at war. We were at war for almost 20 consecutive years and there were times when people would forget we were at war. I think the combination of a volunteer army and very little financial sacrifice from wealthy individuals allows us to have this war adventurism. What do you think about some special progressive tax put in place to pay for a war? I've heard the Iraq and Afghanistan wars cost in the trillions. Imagine if that had to be paid for through an additional highly progressive tax where wealthy individuals felt the impact of paying for that. Maybe you even include a tax on wealth to accomplish that. Funding a war should be a fundamental responsibility of citizens so it makes sense to me if we aren't sending our wealthy people to war they should bear a special burden given they have much more to contribute than others. It would also give wealthy people a strong reason to avoid at least official wars unless they wanted to pay a heavy price. Right now it almost seems like you're incentivized to go to war if you have money. Seems backwards.

Billions for war….peace?

Saw this Biden quote about the money shipped overseas: “a good day for world peace.” As a BP/CP listener I care about politics but I rarely see the buffoons in Washington (regardless of affiliation) impact my daily life. But this overseas payment has me absolutely apoplectic. Do you think Americans will ever elect a body of people who truly put American needs first? I wonder what this money could do in East Palestine Ohio or in Maui or for affordable housing or for managing access to health care or for…..

How do you guys deal with this insanity emotionally?

I see you guys getting more and more frustrated by the day, rightfully so because we’re living in the twilight zone, but my question is pretty much just, how do you DEAL with it emotionally? Watching this stuff and the complete hypocrisy/ lunacy from our so called leaders is enraging and shows just how helpless we all are to make a real change. A lot of my friends/family have stopped paying attention as much because they can’t handle it, but I’m on the opposite end that I just can’t look away from the horror. Curious if you guys feel similarly as it’s your literal job to pay attention to this stuff. Do you set boundaries on yourself for your own emotional wellbeing? At times I do but then I feel so guilty to even have the privilege to just “turn it off”. Sidebar, did either of you see the Piers Morgan Uncensored yesterday with Hasan Piker? Ps: not sure if you guys check KKF Substack, but I did message about a med student in Gaza with severe allergies trying to escape to Egypt! Even just sharing that link to others would be very helpful. Thank you guys again for all you do!