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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Genuine Anti-Semitism in your comments

I am not asking you to moderate your comments but you should be aware that there is genuine anti-semitic commentary that is getting a ton of traction in your comments section and is a horrible look for the program. Basically the top half of the top comments on every Israel or Financial related story are this. Comments about "men in little hats" who "control the money" and "unnamed small groups of people controlling governments." It's why I cannot renew my membership despite following for 4 years and there are people who I have shared this podcast/program with refuse to listen because they scroll through these comments and see some of the viewership's opinions. You can cover Israel any way you wish but your insistence that there is no overlap between some amount of anti-Israel sentiment and anti-semitism is belied by your own viewership. Just be on the lookout for the future.

What's wrong with "Pan-African Studies"?

Saagar, your presentation of Dr. Melina Abdullah suggests that on it's face (i.e. not needing any additional commentary) "Pan-African Studies" is absurd. I am requesting additional commentary. Why is the study of a continent, it's people, history, culture, and diaspora absurd? Why is an educated person, with specific international focus, a bad thing for a political candidate?

Exploring the Distinction Between 'Free Speech' and 'Freedom of Speech': Costs and Limitations

In public discourse, 'Free Speech' is often used interchangeably with 'Freedom of Speech,' yet the former implies zero cost, whereas the latter refers to the constitutional right. Do Krystal and Saager see a significant distinction between these terms? Additionally, are there specific types of speech that, in your view, incur such high societal or individual costs that they outweigh the benefits, potentially justifying limitations in certain settings?

Melina Abdullah

My guess is that no one else would agree to run with Dr. West. It's a pretty big commitment, and not much benefit.

R/breakingpoints affiliation

Are you all at breaking points affiliated with the sub-reddit r/breakingpoints? There seems to be a lot of criticism and negativity for the show because you do not closely toe the democrat party line. I think that subreddit in particular has a little too much "internet brain" thst does not represent the greater population. Anyways, just curious.