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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Friday CounterPoints

Be honest with us, it’s the lawyers renegotiating Ryan and Emily’s contracts that holding up a Friday CP show right? I believe Saagar also enjoys the long tease…takes me back to the days of the Atlanta Live Show build up….top of every episode was Saagar excitedly yelling, “LIVE SHOW!” Speaking of which, any plans for live shows this year?

4/11 Monologue

Krystal's monologue on Chait's latest take was an epic display of journalism. It put into words the internal moral schism currently experienced by many liberals.

Egalitarian or no

I've noticed that in the coverage of Gaza there is an admission that it is more horrific because the IDF is killing women and children. This has me wondering from a western perspective, why is it more acceptable that fighting age men are killed in this, or any conflict?

Could y'all include the date in intro?

Hello K&S! As a mainly audio listener on Spotify I often find myself listening to 2-4 episodes in one long work day. For some reason the feed hiccups at times and plays episode in the incorrect order. Having the date up front during Saagar's intro would be very helpful! Thank you and love Y'all!!

Bring Back Weekly Roundup

Hi, Love the show. Can you bring back the weekly Roundup? The section where you highlight important stories of the week?