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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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California Minimum Wage

First let me state that I realize that even the new $20 Fast food minimum wage is still meager to live in California. With that said, it amazes me that folks like Gavin Newsom and Senator Bernie Sanders, with his 32-hour work week, just think that smacking another regulation is fixing anything. How many folks will be hurt by this $20/hr wage from either a layoff or replacement by tech? In my state of NC, a $7 value meal just 4 years ago is now $11-12. How much will people spend for a fast food hamburger? What is scary to me is this mindset from Gavin Newsome on government being the savior of all problems by use of regulation and the fact that the Democrat Party will put him as a Presidential nominee at some point in the near future. California is in such bad shape financially and that State Government just does not seem to learn from past mistakes.

Sotomayor to retire before election?

Some Dems are urging the Justice to retire so Biden can choose her replacement, avoiding an RBG situation. Thoughts on this, and would there be any Democratic senators who would hold out, and condition their vote to confirm?

Presidential Candidates

I love the show and being a premium subscriber! My favorite content is anything related to the presidential race. My question is, are there any hypothetical situations where Krystal and Saagar (or Ryan and Emily, love them too) could vote for the same candidate? Not just “support”, but to actually vote in the election? 3rd party or otherwise. Would love to see this carried out to the nth hypothetical for fun, but always to seriously know if there could ever be a candidate that can pull moderates from both sides and win. That’s who I want to vote for! Maybe in a post Biden/Trump second term if the other one is not still around, or some time in the distant future.

Gaza Death Count

In a March 5th Post "" Ralph Nader makes a case for the undercount of the Gazan death toll. I haven't seen you cover this topic and wonder what your thoughts are. I believe that the crux of his argument is: The Health Ministry is intentionally conservative, citing that its death toll came from reports only of named deceased by hospitals and morgues. But as the weeks turned into months, blasted, disabled hospitals and morgues cannot keep up with the bodies, or cannot count those slain laying on roadsides in allies and beneath building debris. Yet the Health Ministry remains conservative and the “official,” rising civilian fatality and injury count continues to be uncritically reported by both friend and foe of this devastating Israeli state terrorism. Is his logic here sound? Is the Health ministry only reporting deaths verified at official facilities? He puts forth an estimate of 200k (with no evidence.) Is there any way we can know the true number of people killed?

Summer Reading List

Krystal and Saagar, Do you have a Summer/Vacation reading list crafted for 2024 that you would like to share?