Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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AMA for Ryan, URGENT

Why haven't you grown a beard yet? When are you going to grow a beard?

Foxconn Followup

Years ago there was a hot take story about employees at the Apple's committing suicide, I want to know what has tech companies done to prevent that other than putting nets around the building( When Molly Wood was at CNET, she did a piece about "who died to make my cell phone", and coincidentally, about a moth later the CNET show 'Always On" was cancelled. The news reports said that Apple and others knew about this situation at Foxconn but it was a "so what". Therefore what's changed ...

Jill Stein and the Green Party

Why do Krystal and Ryan not talk more about Jill Stein and the Green Party. All I've heard is that no presidential candidate is calling for a ceasefire. Jill Stein has been calling for a ceasefire. This would be her best chance. You should promote that. (Of course my dream ticket would be Bernie / Jill 2024). In the meantime, I'll be voting for Jill.

Ryan, give the finger to pharma?

Big fan/ subscriber since day one and so glad for you Ryan and Emily!! Ryan you might rebel and share this hack against pharma. I have lived with autism and ADHD together. It’s been so debilitating. Last year I had a miracle mental download - this odd certainly that I could just take a quarter generic No Doz (caffeine pill) when I wake up and a couple times during the day and my ADHD symptoms would go away. They are GONE, making my autism livable. I used to feel morning as a train hitting me. I could barely exist as an adult and now I’m making true gains every day. This gift happened after I gave up coffee a while, right after my mom had a medical miracle herself and the whole family was transformed. It was like a bow on top of everything else. Everyone is scared to share medical advice. But can’t we sort of give the finger to pharma and let people with ADHD (or even think they might have it) hear about and maybe try this if they choose to? Coffee didn’t work. It was hit and miss. This however has potential as a small and controlled, almost free solution. We have to take back solutions from the pharma cartel and talk about them. This quarter of a pill is a couple cents they can have from me. Courage and irreverence Mary

Complicity of apologist Zionists?

Unfortunately, Twitter found out that I click on insane Zionist tweets from psychos like eylon levy, aviva klompas, hilel fuld, etc and is recommending their tweets all the time and it makes so angry and hopeless feeling. Do y'all think that they might be complicit in the genocide in Gaza? I think Owen Jones said it well, arguing something like that these people who are still spouting the 40 beheaded babies lie, cheering on the murder of children, etc. are enabling the genocide by trying to confuse and misdirect public opinion (paraphrased).