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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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How do you deal with traffic and bad drivers?

Hello Everyone - I live in Pittsburgh and find myself commuting home while listening to Breaking/Counter Points often. As with most cities, traffic in Pittsburgh sucks. There are 3 rivers and dozens of major bridges that always make your commute hell. One day I was leaving work, dealing with traffic and listening to the show which made me wonder how the team handles themselves in traffic and in the face of bad drivers. So, my question is how would you deal with this traffic scenario: You are driving into a heavily congested area. You notice there is a really long line of cars in the lane you will eventually need to exit from. Being the patient driver you are (assuming) you get in the lane with all the cars knowing you will wait in some traffic rather than make any last minute merges into the lane you need to get in. You wait patiently in your lane but as you get closer to your exit you see cars trying to skip the long wait (you just waited in) and merge into your lane. My question is if you are in this situation and see cars trying to merge in your lane after you just waited do you tailgate the person in front of you to not let them in front of you or do you let them in front of you? I am excited to hear your answer. Also, I just ordered The Brothers by Stephen Kinzer about the Dulles brothers after I heard it mentioned on Counter Points last week!

Fareed Zakaria on show?

I recently listened to Fareed Zakaria’s podcast with Tyler Cowens and was pleasantly surprised. Can you have him on since he’s been on a book promotional tour? Would be interesting to see him engage with Independent media. Don’t love his politics but seems like an interesting guy

Chris Ryan

Is Krystal still friends? Any chance he can offer some mediation advice for some of these conflicts?

Krystal’s Trump impression

On last Tuesdays show Krystal busted out a rare Trump impression that was pretty dead on. Does Saagar have one and why doesn’t Krystal use it more?

Counter Points AMA

Ryan, your coverage of the political situation in Pakistan was intriguing. What are the steps in developing reliable international sources? Do you find it more difficult to confirm or fact check information from foreign sources as opposed to domestic ones?