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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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No DEI for pilots, just the air traffic controllers

This week Saagar mentioned that there could not be DEI efforts for pilots - only the qualified need apply, obviously. Were you aware of the FAA's DEI efforts for air traffic controllers? Blocked & Reported did a great job researching recently, thought you would enjoy. I completely support expanding the opportunity for training for these highly technical jobs, but the clumsy attempt and implementation could lead to serious safety issues. Highly recommend a listen.

Income taxes

Why should anyone pay income taxes, especially when the money isn't going towards roads, bridges, etc. At least it's not in the US. The government needs to be de-funded until they start to actually work for us, the taxpayers.

If Trump was President...

If Trump was President now what would the Israel/Gaza conflict look like?

Styles of Argument

While I frequently side with Krystal on substance, I often gravitate towards Saagar's logical & American first arguments over Krystal's empathetic & aggressive approach. What styles of argument do you find most effective? What approaches do you appreciate the most (or least) from your co-host?

Thoughts on Batya Ungar-Sargon?

She was on Bari Weiss's show recently and thought her premise is salient — there's a working class realignment — but I wasn't sure what she was actually suggesting. Think it would be a good interview if you two could tease out her position