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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Discussing Zoomers taking up trades

Good morning (!) Breaking Points, Your segment on zoomers taking up trades was really thought provoking. As BP and others have commented numerous times Americans are self sorting with the 4 year degree being the primary dividing line, and this is effecting where people live, who they see as romantic partners, and how they view politics and the world. My question is: if the upward trend in blue collar work continues as the Zoomers becomes working adults, how do you two see this effecting the rest of the big-picture trends happening in America?

Coleman Hughes

Would you guys be willing to have a debate with Coleman Hughes on Israel/Gaza?

Electoral College

Hi guys, big fan of the show! My question relates to Krystal’s comment about the electoral college on Thursday’s episode, supporting the abolishment of the system. I’m curious why you think it isn’t a great system for our elections, and what you would propose to put in its place?

Did you see Mosab Yousef's interview on Dr. Phil? Pretty eye opening to see what Israel is fighting against. Hamas is a disgusting terrorist organization, and I'm shocked to see Breaking Points not really give much coverage of how deplorable Hamas is. The eye rolls by Palestinians when discussing Hamas, and the refusal to condemn October 7th by them is also eye opening. Maybe more of a light needs to be shined into exactly what the IDF is fighting.

Is Blackmail from Epstein Island Guiding Israel Policy?

Do you think the unconditional support of Israel and continued weapons sales is in any way influenced by the blackmail Epstein gained on politicians and other influential people? Why else would the Dems and their supporters risk the election for their support of ethnic cleansing?