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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Got me again

Lately, I have been raging in my mind about how we don't need a feeble Zionist leading this country right now, we need a strong American that is more focused on what America needs rather then what Israel wants That is more focused. On what America needs rather than what Israel wants. Then suddenly there is Trump on the interweb saying "Get in there and get it over with". And those two idiot Israeli journalists "What!!!". Do you think this is a ploy from Trump to position himself to scoop up me and others like me? No me personally, I'm basically a never Trumper and, I'm also becoming a never Bidener(there is no joy in Mudville) (Follow up question) Do you think that interview could have been any more disingenuous and comical if it had been broadcast as a cold opening on Saturday Night Live, and do you think it will work? Harold

Climate change

Does climate change get blamed too much, weakening its potency?

Coleman Hughes’ Israel/Gaza POV

Hearing his starkly different take on what’s going on via JRE, and both BP and his ability to hold reasonable debates, I’d like to hear you 3 have a discussion.

American Military Service Members; terrorists?

On the 4/3/2024 counterpoints episode, a broadcaster and representative of Breaking Points explicitly referred to American service members deployed OCONUS as "terrorists". For reference, the topic was how the Taliban/Hamas political elites meet in Qatar. He specifically mentioned there were not terrorists in that country, and then "corrected" himself and stated, well actually the American military is there. I would never go full "Karen" and play into cancel culture; I still love what Breaking Points is doing. That being said, as a current service member myself (serving for many years), I find this rhetoric abhorrent. To be a paying subscriber/supporter of this channel and to then be explicitly called a terrorist is disheartening. Is this type of language something Breaking Points as a whole supports? Even Emily did not have the courage to stand up on behalf of military service members; are other broadcasters not allowed to verbally support the military? Curious if you all can provide insight on this topic.

Christian Nation?

I would love to learn more about the founding fathers and their approach to a "separation of church and state." Personally, I get tired of hearing that we are a "Christian nation." Does anyone have book recommendations so that I can learn more about this this particular part of our history- possibly without a a biased perspective. All recommendations would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!