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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Florida Home Insurance

Hi, can you please do an update on the Florida Home Insurance nightmare? So many people have not had their homes fixed from Hurricane Ian in 2022 still. Insurance companies are either refusing to pay out or submitting insultingly low offers so people either have to keep fighting them while living in unsafe conditions often with missing roofs and mold in their homes or pay for everything themselves with no help from insurance. Because they are dragging out the claims, it keeps people tied to these insurance companies as well. They’re increasing rates and adding unfavorable clauses to the contracts but homeowners can’t change companies due to the open claims and are essentially forced into signing the new agreements. The corruption is massive and transparent but no news stations are following it.

Is there a positive way to end partisanship

There are a lot of negative things that could bring both sides of the speculum together, war, terrorism, natural disasters (although it seems like it would have to be extremely bad to make a difference). Is their something positive that could bring everyone together?

Vimeo Links

What happened to the Vimeo links? It's been over a week now that we've only been provided YouTube links.

Update on BP Partnerships

Has your partnership with The Lever ended? Haven't seen Sirota or his staff on recently. And any intention of a partnership with Katie Halper, particularly given her deep knowledge on Israel/Palestine?

Fox News - Takedown of Channel 5 - Vegas Tunnel Video

Fox recently issued a takedown of Channel 5s Andrew Callaghan’s Vegas Tunnel Video. What are your thoughts and would you consider having Andrew on to discuss? Always curious about Breaking Points and Channel 5 doing a joint video of some kind and this seems like a really good opportunity to support a fellow independent journalist? Link to Channel 5 Summary of Takedown.