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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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More Counter Points

I just donated 50 bucks to add to my yearly subscription. Can you please add more counter points to you programing, I think it is a nice balance to breaking points

Zeihan Ukraine

Peter Zeihan disagrees with you completely on the Ukraine situation. Why are you right? Or does he have a point?


Hi Krystal and Saagar, This is a bit tongue in cheek, but also serious. I would like to quibble with you about your assessment of Boomers. My parents are from the Silent Generation and I am a boomer, yet they are the ones who told me about you when you were still at The Hill, and I faithfully followed you to Breaking Points, and am one of your lifetime supporters. Coming from an educated, very progressive background, many people I know, young and old, are against this genocide, and think that Israel is acting like a Nazi state. I am a secular Jew, and consider the State of Israel anti-semitic in and of itself, because it was only formed so the Americans and Europeans didn't have to take the Jews into their countries. My father told me that my great grandfather was instrumental in the creation of Israel, which is nothing but shameful in my eyes. I get my news form you, from Democracy now, and from many other online entities. Perhaps it's not a matter of ones age, but ones social circle that determines where and how one consumes the news, and ones attitude about the world. I agree with Krystal about 95% of the time, and Saagar less, but always appreciate his perspective, as well. YES to more Ryan and Emily!!!!! Just an aside, Kyle is always spot and, as well! Much love and appreciation, Gaby Cohen

Francesca Albanese and Anti- Semitic Comments

Hi all, Just to put this upfront, I do not believe that Francesca Albanese is anti- semitic, or that her suggestion, that Israel is plausibly committing genocide, should not be investigated. With that being said, her past comments, link below, which even she seems to distance herself from are evidently of an anti- semitic nature: “America is subjugated by the Jewish lobby." She may have meant "Israel Lobby," and seems to have obviously meant this, but that conflation, which even you guys have discussed as coming from the Ben Shapiros of the world, is and anti semitic idea: that all Jews support Israel.

External Pressure around your Admin Coverage?

As you operate an independent and growing platform, are you now getting external pressure from folks in the administration around your coverage of certain hot topic issues to help sway the narrative? (Gaza, the economy, Biden’s age, etc) If so, how does that pressure materialize and how do you push back ? If / when this happens, does that bolster your confidence you’re on the right track, and what consequences (thinking access) do you face in maintains your first principles? Thank you! Love everything you’re doing, excited about where you’re going and super proud to be a supporter!