Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Seniors’ Medicare Benefits Privatized Without Consent

Would you be willing to comment on the following article by The Lever: ? This scheme, called the Direct Contracting Entity (DCE) program, was initiated by the Trump presidency is now being expanded by the Biden administration. I feel strongly that this should be brought to the attention of the general public. Thanks, Phil Rosol, Ocala, FL

Does breaking points believe the Israel/hamas coverage is balanced?

I have a hard time believing since October 7th, Hamas / Palestinians have done nothing wrong, or nothing bad worth covering.

Krystal's Ideology

What is you vision for the United States? I can't really square what your priorities are and where you want the country to go.

Future Anchors/Shows?

Hi Breaking Points, I go back and forth between whether or not breaking or counter points is my favorite show and which anchor is my favorite. As a Palestinian, I've been very grateful to see your balance of talking about the Israeli/Palestinian perspectives. First time in my lifetime that I feel like the conversation has become somewhat balanced with some criticism being allowed on media. Anyways, I did want to ask what are your plans for the future of breaking points? Are you planning on having additional shows and anchors? I'm wondering about the Mehdi Hassan, Candace Owens, etc free agents of the world currently looking for their next things and whether you all have thought about guest appearances or how you're horizon planning for the channel. I finally signed up for premium after telling myself I'd do it for a couple of months and so happy to support you guys. When I was able to watch the full episode at once, it warmed the cookies of my heart <3 I have no doubt that you all will get to a 100mm subscribers at some point in the future.

Using the AMA Line To Influence Coverage/Pitch Stories

I ask this somewhat shamelessly because I'm guilty of it too, but this AMA gets used 90% for story pitches and about 10% for the kinds of questions you seem to like answering on the weekly AMA's. Does this bother you? I imagine it must be irritating, but as someone who has done it before to express concerns about a topic (which you later covered, whether it was my influence or not), it's quite cathartic for some reason. Is it better to just email you if we've got something we think you might want to cover? Have you ever thought about splitting this AMA area into two portals, one for actual personal AMA's and one for story pitches? And while I'm on the topic, have you ever thought about doing a "mailbag episode" once a month or once a quarter where you dig into a bunch of subscriber questions?