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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Vivek Ramaswamy

Question one, Sagar what is your stance on shoe shining for men, is it a must or formal occasions only? Question two when can we expect to see an interview with Vivek Ramaswamy and the other presidential hopefuls? I am becoming more and more interested in his campaign but want to see you press him on his plan to handle big business’ influence on our politics.

Few dem candidates and a lot of republican candidates

Why are there so few democratic presidential candidates and so many republican presidential candidates?

Addressing Criticisms

I know you both catch a lot of criticism from others, and you can't address it all. A lot of it is nitpicky or unjustified, but one case that I thought was very important and agreed with mostly was Dave Smith's criticism of how Krystal questioned RFK Jr. on vaccines. Krystal, can you please address Dave Smith's criticism? If you are not aware, he generally said you handled it like corporate media would; not allowing enough time for a thorough response and cut him off when he was trying to respond, while providing no specific evidence when challenging him.

MVP Provision in the debt ceiling bill

The recent debt ceiling bill was just passed with provisions to fast-track approvals for the Mountain Valley Pipeline in VA & WV, a pipeline the local communities and environmentalists have been fighting for 9 long years. This provision removes judicial review from the permitting process and forces jurisdictions across two states to provide the permits needed, while removing our ability as citizens to sue. Shocking no one, this bill passed easily after a whole lot of money flowed into congress right before the vote from Equitrans, the company behind the pipeline. Do you think this unprecedented move will stand up in court? Y’all need to watch Status Coup’s coverage of this issue and their conversation with a national hero, Red Terry, who sat up in her own trees on the property held by her family for 7 generations in order to stop this pipeline from ripping through her backyard. Thank y’all so much for your incredible show!

The Spoiler Argument

Great coverage of Mehdi Hasan and Marianne Williamson and the utter ridiculousness of using "the spoiler" against her in a primary. As a lifelong progressive independent (including independent of the "traditional Left"), I think using the spoiler argument is a cover for the Left capitulation to the Democratic Party whenever it is used. Will you consider more coverage of independent politics? You are both serious about democracy so I keep thinking you will seriously address that a huge swath of the American electorate no longer identifies as Democrats and Republicans. A great development!I Do you feel cynical? I hope not! I've worked as a field organizer and community organizer to put independent candidates on the ballot both nationally and locally since the early 1980s. Progress is slow but a cultural shift is happening. It takes imagination and hope - because sticking with DP/RP as the only way is clearly literally killing us. Thanks for your work - you are great journalists and I appreciate you and all of your team!