Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Libertarian candidates to be invited?

Any chance that you will be inviting any of the Libertarian or other third party candidates onto the show to share their platforms? You speak about the importance of small 'd' democracy, do you feel that third party candidates should be included in the Presidential Debates?

Un-subscribing - RFK

Wish yall would cover, or at least acknowledge the RFK Jr controversy. Especially when thats 90% of what the question in the AMA were asking for. It's honestly worse that you covered his skinny ties instead. Feels like a slap in the face to your audience. If you cover it fully, I will reactive my membership.

Any plans to franchise internationally

Canadian fan here. Canada desperately needs left and right wing populist media to counter our neo-liberal hegemony. Canada is honestly in many ways a LOT worse than the US with standard of living in rapid decline. Salareis are lower here and house prices are higher. Our health care is falling apart. MPs here are just party stooges and the Trucker's protest shows lack of democracy. We have out of control immigration worsening our housing crises and low wages while infrastrcutre is not keeping up And unlike Americaans or the French, us Canadians are a nationa of push overs. We need populist media. Other countries can say the same thing Would you consider an international franchise and work with partners so that every country can have their own Breakind points

What do you think of Detroit's revival plan?

Mayor Duggan unveiled a plan to revive Detroit by revamping their tax structure: As he describes it the old property tax system "rewards blight and punishes building." What do you think of the plan and do you think it could be a model for revival for other struggling municipalities in America?

Why Run for President?

What is the advantage for people like Tim Scott, Mike Pence, etc. to run for the Republican ballot? With Trump having such a commanding lead and a crowded field, what is the upside for some of the lesser known candidates to throw their hat in the ring and why do well healed donors want to back someone who essentially can't win? Also - Trump lost because he was not capable of making the necessary adjustments to his personality and leadership style to convince more people to vote for him. To the contrary he motivated an army of people to vote against him. If you want to lead this country, you need to get the majority of people and a winning electoral coalition to vote for you. He failed to do that. Same for Hilary. I am tired of people giving audience to them make excuses for their poor showing and not taking any personal responsibility for their shortcomings. It is sad that the media doesn't focus on that more often.