Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Too much Trump?

Understanding the historical nature of this event, and his importance to the presidency, I've noticed for the last couple of weeks Trump has been in basically every episode, much of the time leading the show off. You want to distinguish yourself from MSM but that trend seems to align with their "click-bate" structure that led people to distrust them. Have you guys considered backing off Trump to cover different topics (aka global economic changes, housing market changes, medical industry abuse, labor abuse, etc.)?

Trump on Trial: Self-pardoning after the fact?

Hi BP, question/scenario for your panel Tuesday evening: Let's say Trump is convicted and jailed and still somehow wins the presidency, from jail. Would he be able to pardon himself/let himself out of jail, particularly for a conviction that happens before he takes office? Would a state versus a federal conviction make a difference?


Void of legal exclusion or a new and unknown scandal, do you see an achievable strategy to avoid having Trump as the GOP nominee? If you were DeSantis' chief strategist, what would your playbook look like?

What crimes should Donald charged with?

I keep hearing that Alvin Bragg shouldn’t have brought these charges against trump because he’s a former president. So what crimes should be brought against a former president?

Worst Authors

Are there any particular authors of popular books, pertaining to politics and policies, that you actively dislike? I know you have covered favorites repeatedly and am curious about the other side.