Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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A 23-year-old's politics

I was 17 in 2020. I was strongly against Trump and Hillary. In 2020 I voted for Tulsi because of similar feelings. Now I am almost a Trump supporter. I'm a recent graduate of UGA with a philosophy degree. Definitely to the left of almost all the upper middle class white dudes I grew up with in Atlanta. Somehow I can't imagine not voting for Trump in 2024. Never would've guessed that in 2016. Food for thought: How does anyone justify a vote for the Democrats over Trump/GOP in 2024?

Social Security Reform

Why is there never an honest discussion on social security? When social security was rolled out, the program's purpose was to reduce poverty for the elderly. Fast forward nearly 100 years and the the overwhelming majority of people receiving social security are the wealthiest people in the country. So, mission accomplished, right? The both of you, and specifically Krystal, have made it abundantly clear that income inequality is a major concern for you; How does one justify a program, that is effectively taking from the poor (read as young) and giving to the rich (read as old)?

Debt Ceiling?

I haven't heard anything about the debt ceiling in a while. Did that magically get solved by Washington?

Do you think Democrats knew Trump would get a bump?

Given that the DNC during the midterms sought to elevate the more "MAGA" candidates in their primaries because they thought they were more beatable in the general. Do you think the indictment of Trump from NY is an offshoot of this tactic? Or, do you think the NY DA is looking for a "white knight" moment in locking up Trump and thereby saving the nation? I suppose it's possible that this is a good faith indictment by the NY DA but it seems that with the novel interpretation of the law in the untested waters of a former president really make that nearly impossible to believe.

Clear the field

When do you folks think that non-Trump figures will get out of the race? They are too scared to attack Trump nor do I see a path forward for them. I say this as a disenchanted Trump voter that does not want to see Trump run again.